
Friends of EDTF Inc. Confidentiality Agreement

It is the policy of the Friends of the Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund, Inc., (FEDTF) that Advisory Council members, Board members, staff, employees, volunteers, consultants and any others in confidential relationship with FEDTF will not disclose confidential information belonging to, or obtained through their affiliation with FEDTF to any person, including their relatives, friends, and business and professional associates, unless FEDTF has authorized disclosure in writing.

The signatory hereunder agrees part of what s/he learns and accesses by way of information, communication or data in any form from service to FEDTF is necessary to provide services to FEDTF clients, partners and others who have a relationship with FEDTF. It is also agreed the foregoing are shared or accessed within the development of a helping, trusting relationship with FEDTF partners and others who do business or interact with FEDTF. Therefore, any of the foregoing gained in the course of service on in any relationship to FEDTF are deemed confidential unless expressly declared in writing not confidential by FEDTF.

This policy is not intended to prevent disclosure where disclosure is required by law.

Advisory council members, board members, staff, employees, volunteers, consultants any others in confidential relationship with FEDTF are cautioned to demonstrate professionalism, good judgment, and reasonable care in handling information and other materials mentioned above.

Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in termination of your employment, volunteer service and any other relationship with FEDTF.

Upon separation from relationship with FEDTF, it is the obligation and duty of the signatory of this confidentiality agreement to promptly return all documents, papers, electronic identification and passwords and other materials, that may contain confidential information.


I agree to treat as confidential all information I learn or acquire about clients, partners and others in any relationship with FEDTF during the performance of my duties as _______________________ and I understand that it would be a violation of policy to disclose such information to anyone without express written approval of the FEDTF President or duly designated appointee.

Signature ____________________

Date _______________________

Name ______________________


I have read the FEDTF’s policy on confidentiality and the Statement of Confidentiality presented above. I agree to abide by the requirements of the policy and inform the President of FEDTF immediately if I believe any violation (unintentional or otherwise) of the policy has occurred. I understand that violation of this policy will lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of my service with FEDTF.

Signature ____________________

Name ______________________

Date _______________________

Our Impact
Together, we can create a lasting legacy for Ethiopia.

awarded in grants and COVID-19 mitigation efforts


new students enrolled


parents, teachers, and women trained


Ethiopians served